A quarter of Europeans have trouble heating their homes

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A quarter of Europeans have trouble heating their homes

According to a survey by a Hungarian research center, every fourth respondent is faced with the problem of lack of fuel.

By supporting Ukraine with the shipment of military hardware and weapons, and by applying extensive economic sanctions against Russia, especially in the oil and gas sector, European countries have faced an economic crisis and rising fuel prices.
According to Russia Today, according to a survey by the Szazadveg research center, one in four respondents at least once in 2021 was unable to pay one of their utility bills on time due to lack of funds.

“26% of Europeans (more than 100 million people) do not have the opportunity to properly heat their homes. Among the EU countries, the most difficult situation is observed in Greece,” the center said in a statement based on the results of the survey.

According to a survey, 56% of Greeks are unable to adequately heat their home. Also, a difficult situation is recorded in Portugal and France. In Finland, Hungary, Austria and Denmark this figure is 15%. According to official figures from the European Union Statistical Office (Eurostat), in 2021 almost 30 million people in Europe experience problems with heating their homes.

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