As the spat with Moscow develops, the Zionist regime finds itself in a terrible scenario while Western support wanes 46

As the spat with Moscow develops, the Zionist regime finds itself in a terrible scenario while Western support wanes

Prior to the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, ties between Russia and the Zionist regime were growing unimpeded.
Nonetheless, in the early stages of the Ukraine crisis, the Zionists displayed erratic and inconsistent policies. Ultimately, Israel sided with its Western allies, stoking the flames of Russian rage.
By supporting Zelenskyy’s regime, some of Israel’s long-held interests in Russia were annulled.
For instance, the Russian government has ordered the Jewish Agency to cease all its activities throughout the country. According to commentators, the suspension of immigration of Russian Jews signals an unprecedented deterioration in ties between Russia and Israel.
The closure of the Jewish Agency office in a nation with a sizable Jewish community, such as Russia, would have a detrimental effect on Jewish migration to occupied Palestine. Figures suggest that in 2021, more than 7,000 Russians migrated to the occupied Palestinian territories; since the outbreak of the crisis in Ukraine, this number has surged to 16,000.
However, the relocation of Jews to occupied Palestine is currently hampered by significant challenges.
Even once the Ukraine conflict is over, there seems to be no imminent rapprochement between Moscow and Tel Aviv. The Russians also informed Israeli officials that they could no longer accept the Israeli air force’s unrestricted operations over Syrian airspace.
The Kremlin has a dual purpose in adopting these punitive actions against the Zionist regime. To begin with, Russia is trying to prevent Israel from supplying the battered Ukrainian militants with anti-tank missiles, the Iron Dome system, and attack drones. On the other hand, the Russians tried to warn the Israelis that they could sabotage Israeli efforts to export gas from the Mediterranean Sea to energy-hungry Europe.
To exert additional pressure on the Zionists, the Russians will maintain their refusal to acknowledge the Israeli annexation of the Syrian-occupied Golan Heights, prevent the targeting of Syrian and Iraqi resistance by Israel’s airstrikes, and insist on Russian sovereignty over the Alexander Courtyard church compound in Al-Quds, and even interference in the Israeli parliamentary election.
Tel Aviv has attempted to win the support of its Western allies by pointing to its escalating tensions with Moscow due to its pro-Ukraine stance. For this reason, a string of riots and social turmoil occurred in Israel, which, according to some analysts, were intended to garner Western support for Israel.
However, the social tensions, increasing cases of homicides, and conflicts that emerged in occupied territories to elicit the West’s sympathy have had the reverse effect.
Europe is confronting issues such as the Ukraine conflict, a gas shortage, a drought, and wildfires. Due to their troubles, Western countries can no longer afford to devote resources to supporting a rotten and failed state like Israel.
Therefore, as the worldwide political equations are radically shifting, and with each passing day, the Zionist state finds itself in a more precarious position owing to the loss of Western financial and military backing.

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