As the Zionists fall silent 50

As the Zionists fall silent

The Zionist regime has established its ominous pillars on an utterly complicated nature and an inexplicable national identity, leaving Zionists in occupied Palestine paranoid of a doomed future amid a deteriorating financial crisis, not to mention gradual socio-cultural disintegration.

Meanwhile, to the detriment of Zionists, a demographic catastrophe is unfolding in the occupied territories. The demographic question is deemed the most pressing challenge to the Zionist regime. As the crumbling Ottoman Empire was on the brink of collapse, Zionists—politicians and strategists like Theodor Herzl—were devising plans to establish a Jewish national state in Palestine over a century ago. However, they discerned the perennial threat that the number of Jews would be less than that of Palestinian Arabs.

Hence, even years before the Zionist regime was illegitimately formed in 1948 by David Ben-Gurion, an influx of Jewish immigration started to occupy Palestine. Nonetheless, after 74 years of occupation, this existential question remains unresolved.

Female Zionist military personnel: Helpless victims of sexual abuse and rape

According to the laws of the Zionist regime, women, like men, are required to undergo nearly three years of obligatory military service. Their abuse in the Israeli army has existed in multifarious forms since the inception of IDF, and there have been myriad allegations of moral scandals and rape cases involving women in the Israeli army.

Of course, as the media of the Zionist regime admits, many of these crimes have never been divulged. Many analysts argue that rape and sexual harassment of women in the Israeli army have become a common phenomenon, and the complaints of female soldiers in this regard are surging, to no avail. In 2020, the Hebrew-language daily, Yedioth Ahronoth, reported that only 1,542 rape and sexual harassments occurred in the Israeli army. Despite this ultimate legal disgrace, the Zionist military courts filed only 31 complaints.

This legal plight corroborates the fact that the Israeli army authorities are trying to camouflage the cataclysmic moral disaster simmering beneath the surface. Interestingly, in addition to fellow male soldiers, senior officers and the top brass of the Israeli army perpetrate these execrable crimes and loathsome depravities in a deliberate media blackout.

Elderly citizens in Israel and the breakdown of the healthcare system

According to a recent study, the number of Israelis over 75 will rise by 48% by 2030, placing a considerable strain on the Zionist healthcare system. According to analysts, modern hospitals and physicians must be on the list of impecunious Zionist regimes’ budgets. Other figures shed light on the dilapidated state of the Zionist regime’s healthcare infrastructure, such as the declining number of doctors and the dismal quality of its medical centres.

Zionist parents’ concerns about the precarious state of kindergartens

 Hundreds of kindergartens across the occupied Palestinian territories are closed one or two days a week. In this regard, sometimes the number of children in each kindergarten reaches 35. The primary reason for this problem is the severe shortage of kindergarten assistants due to the increasing demand for higher wages and difficult working conditions. Based on these extreme circumstances, a drastic lack of staff, the overwhelming number of children, and meagre wages suggest that kindergarten assistants have no option but to quit in the midst of the school year. The outcome will be that many kindergartens will be closed unexpectedly, and parents will not be able to go to work because there is nobody to care for their children.

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