Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei: Don’t condition economy to something not in Iran’s hands 49

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei: Don’t condition economy to something not in Iran’s hands

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the enemies are waging a war against Iran’s economy in order to bring it to collapse and pit the people against the establishment.

“The goal of the enemies in this war has been the collapse of the economy; that was their intention. Now, the collapse of the economy was, of course, a prelude in order to set the people against the Islamic Republic by destroying the Iranian economy and to carry out their malicious political intentions in this way,” the Leader said in an address to a group of producers and entrepreneurs in Tehran Sunday.

Ayatollah Khamenei hailed the producers, entrepreneurs and workers as “officers” of the battle against the enemies’ economic war.

“The stronghold of production and economy of the country is alive; thanks to God, it is standing. The army that stood against the enemy, the officers of this holy defense, were entrepreneurs and capable economic managers. Its warriors were also workers. The workers were the sincere and earnest warriors of this battle. You and all economic actors share in this honor of preserving the country’s economy,” the Leader said.

He again advised the officials should not tie the country’s economy to the results of negotiations in Vienna to remove US sanctions on Iran.

“I always repeat that you should not condition the country’s economy and economic activities. Do not pause over something that is not in our hands,” the Leader said in his remarks directed at state officials.

Ayatollah Khamenei described production as struggle in the path of Allah, which is known as the principle of jihad in Islam.

“The resistance of the producers against the attack on the economy and the enemy’s efforts to prevent the sales of oil and gas and cut foreign exchange resources and against their planning to block Iran’s foreign exchanges are in fact jihad and one of the greatest acts of worship.”

He said the enemy’s plans to “conquer the production stronghold” of Iran as part of its economic war on the country had failed.

“In this onslaught on the country’s economy, there were problems in people’s livelihoods, but production did not come to its knees, and a US State Department spokesman explicitly stated a few days ago that the policy of maximum pressure had led to the tragic defeat of the United States.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said the economy needs a leap in production to overcome problems and remain immune from internal and external shocks.

“A jump in production leads to improved economic indicators such as sustainable employment, export prosperity, foreign exchange earnings and lower inflation. It leads to national self-confidence that is a guarantor of national dignity and security.”

The Leader touched on Iran’s great potentials and vast possibilities as acknowledged by domestic and foreign experts, saying “if efficient, hard-working and caring managers use these capacities correctly, the situation will certainly be many times different”.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the cause of economic problems in the country is not solely the illegal sanctions, adding wrong decisions and dereliction on the part of officials are behind an important part of the problems.

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