BlackRock's Dark Agenda: An Empire Built by Blood-Stained Dollars on Palestinian Suffering

BlackRock's Dark Agenda: An Empire Built by Blood-Stained Dollars on Palestinian Suffering

BlackRock's Dark Agenda: An Empire Built by Blood-Stained Dollars on Palestinian Suffering

By: H. Zaïm-Bashi

During the past few years, the discourse surrounding the United States' military, economic, and diplomatic backing of the Israeli regime has been a highly controversial topic, which has not only taken place in courtiers opposed to the US government’s foreign policy but has also permeated the intellectual and elite spheres within America. It is noteworthy that the unabated student protests at various universities have further elevated the intensity of these discussions.

Curiously, even progressive and leftist media outlets have largely neglected to explore the political and economic forces that prop up the shameful support for Israeli wars. A main pillar of this backing that frequently goes unexamined by many observers is the US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a prominent think tank closely associated with Wall Street's financial elite and often viewed as their mouthpiece.

Powerful financial monopolies like BlackRock and Blackstone Inc., which have ties to the CFR, hold substantial stakes in the Israeli economy. The founders of BlackRock—Robert Kapito, Larry Fink, and Susan Wagner—have deep connections with the Israeli regime. As the world's largest asset management firm, overseeing around $10 trillion, BlackRock has been helmed by longtime CEO and CFR member Larry Fink from 2013 to 2023. In 2018, BlackRock's Chairman Robert Kapito underscored the company's commitment to expanding investments in occupied Palestine [Israel], citing its strategic importance and market potential. Moreover, BlackRock has forged a strategic alliance with Altshuler Shaham, a notorious Israeli investment firm.

Crucially, BlackRock's investments extend to companies such as Lockheed Martin, RTX, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and General Dynamics, which supply weaponry utilized in the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli military. In particular, BlackRock's financial entanglements serve to arm the Israeli war machine, drawing vehement condemnation from grassroots movements and intelligentsia within the US advocating for human rights.

CEO Larry Fink, a staunch advocate of the Israeli regime, wields significant influence within the global economic landscape. Despite being relatively unknown to the broader American populace, Fink is revered as a titan in the realm of world economics. His affiliations include membership on the boards of institutions such as New York University, NYU Langone Medical Center, the Boys and Girls Club of New York, and the Robin Hood Foundation. Interestingly, Fink, a staunch Zionist capitalist, founded UCLA Anderson in 2009 and assumed the role of chairman of its board of directors.

Fink's unabashed support for the Israeli regime’s massacres, coupled with his advocacy for bolstering Israel’s war machine to assert its hegemonic dominance, has drawn much scrutiny. When the Biden administration dispatched a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to the region as a show of force against Iran, Fink lauded the move as a strategic maneuver by the United States.

At the crux of the envisioned "New World Order" project lies BlackRock, serving as the vanguard, orchestrator, and primary benefactor of U.S. and allied endeavors in the modern era. This mammoth investment firm, touted as the largest financial services company globally, commands unparalleled influence, with estimates pegging its capital at a staggering $12 trillion. Such astronomical figures have earned BlackRock the moniker of the world's largest shadow bank, surpassing even the most prominent traditional banking institutions. Notably, the policies of the U.S. Treasury and numerous central banks worldwide are shaped in consultation with BlackRock, underscoring its pivotal role in the global economic landscape.

The far-reaching impact of BlackRock transcends borders, with the company maintaining official offices in 30 nations and catering to a clientele spanning 100 countries. Its indispensability to the world economy and the envisioned new world order is undeniable, with entities like Singapore and Abu Dhabi hinging their economic fortunes on BlackRock's operations.

Despite its formidable influence, BlackRock's activities have largely evaded public attention. In the wake of the Hamas-Israel conflict and the escalation of violence and atrocities perpetrated by the Zionist regime, American civil society activists sought to shed light on BlackRock's involvement in perpetuating Palestinian suffering. Following the eruption of nationwide student protests, investors and capitalists associated with BlackRock expressed apprehension and lobbied the US government to quell dissent among the student and intellectual elite. In this regard, Larry Fink issued veiled threats, suggesting that future employment prospects within his company would be contingent on individuals refraining from engaging in civil and social activism, such as endorsing pro-Palestinian statements.

The coercive tactics used to quash dissent were further highlighted by billboards in the vicinity of Harvard University, featuring images of students protesting in solidarity with Palestine, seemingly intended to intimidate them. These incidents underscore the intricate nexus between financial behemoths like BlackRock, geopolitical agendas, and the suppression of dissenting voices advocating for justice and equity against war and apartheid.
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