Breaking Chains: International Quds Day's Message of Defiance Against Israeli Genocide in Gaza

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Breaking Chains: International Quds Day's Message of Defiance Against Israeli Genocide in Gaza
Breaking Chains: International Quds Day's Message of Defiance Against Israeli Genocide in Gaza

By: M. S. Qorbani

Six months following the humiliation suffered by the Israeli military during Operation Al-Aqsa Storm and in the midst of the continuous perpetration of war crimes against civilians in the besieged Gaza Strip, we reached International Quds Day, a clarion call for people from diverse religious, ethnic, and social backgrounds to manifest their unity and support for the Palestinian cause. Established by the late Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, International Quds Day serves as a platform to raise global awareness about the plight of Palestinians, providing a unique opportunity to evince collective solidarity with the Palestinian nation while condemning Zionist transgressions.

The occupation of Palestine stands as a paramount global concern, holding profound religious and regional significance. For decades, on the final Friday of the sacred month of Ramadan, freedom-loving individuals worldwide have resolutely demonstrated that the forced displacement of the Palestinian nation will never fade from memory. Steadfastly, they continue to advance towards the liberation of Palestine, asserting that tyranny and occupation cannot endure forever. However, as we usher in this year's International Quds Day, the world finds itself embroiled amidst one of the most egregious war crimes against humanity in modern history, underscoring the urgent need for solidarity and action.

The profound human tragedy in Gaza over the past six months serves as yet another harrowing reminder of the ongoing historical injustices inflicted upon the oppressed Palestinian nation and flagrant violations of international laws and conventions against the rightful inhabitants of the land. Today, it is not only innocent Palestinian men, women, and children who fall victim to these atrocities, but also hospitals, medical facilities, relief centers, mosques, and churches that are not spared from the cruelty of the Israeli regime’s utter barbarity.

The egregious atrocities committed by the Zionists in Gaza have stirred the collective conscience of the world, bringing the Palestinian plight to the forefront not just in the Islamic community but on a global stage. The diverse participation of individuals from every corner of the world in International Quds Day sends a strong message to Zionist and American authorities that the global community will not stand idly by in the face of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. It underscores the imperative for governments and international organizations to take decisive action to halt this humanitarian catastrophe.

This year's World Quds Day march holds particular significance due to the growing condemnation from international institutions and organizations regarding Israel's escalating transgressions. Recent months have revealed a troubling trend of inaction or merely symbolic condemnations from certain global bodies in response to the Zionist regime's crimes, signaling a tacit alignment with the oppressors.

The robust participation in International Quds Day will convey a clear demand for a reevaluation of current political approaches within international institutions and assemblies concerning the Palestinian issue, reflecting the resounding call of public opinion worldwide. Against the backdrop of unfolding events in the occupied territories, the march symbolizes a platform for demonstrating Muslim unity in addressing the Palestinian plight. Today, the unity of Muslims stands as a potent instrument in dismantling the Zionist regime, a message that must resonate with leaders and statesmen across Islamic nations.

The Quds Day march is poised to articulate the aspirations of Muslims to their governments in supporting the cause of the oppressed Palestinian people, prompting a shift in the stance of certain Islamic states that have thus far remained silent in the face of ongoing injustices in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The recent strike by the Zionist regime in attacking the Iranian consulate in Damascus, resulting in the martyrdom of Iranian military advisors, further underscores the significance of this year's Quds Day march for Iranians. As demonstrated by the widespread protests against the terrorist regime of Israel, the Quds Day march served as a platform for Iranians to vehemently denounce the atrocities of the Zionist regime, conveying a strong message of popular demand for accountability and revenge.

Amidst the tumultuous harrows endured by the people of Palestine, particularly in Gaza, over the past six months, an expanded participation in the Quds Day march, coupled with its positive outcomes, serves as a source of morale and fortitude for the oppressed Gazans, reinforcing their belief in the unwavering support of Muslims, Christians, and all freedom-loving individuals worldwide, bolstering their resilience until the day of liberation and the restoration of Holy l-Aqsa.

The grandeur of this year's Quds Day will amplify support for the oppressed Palestinian nation, delivering a resounding message to global powers that Israeli oppression, usurpation, violence, and tyranny are ultimately destined for defeat.
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