Congress asks the White House to reveal the number of American troops in Ukraine

Congress asks the White House to reveal the number of American troops in Ukraine

The House of Representatives of the United States Congress has issued a resolution requiring the country's leadership to provide information on the exact number of military personnel of the country's Armed Forces located on the territory of Ukraine. Several American media reports it.The resolution requires the White House and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to provide documents on all military assistance to Ukraine and on the number of US military personnel stationed in this country, including those serving in special forces units.The initiator of the resolution was Republican Congressman Matt Goetz. Two days ago the resolution was approved by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of the US Congress.Earlier, the US leadership admitted that there are American troops in Ukraine.
The Republican-controlled US House passed a law that raises the government's debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion but imposes severe spending restrictions.It is a symbolic victory for the speaker Kevin McCarthy because Joe Biden has already threatened to veto.The bill, however, has almost no chance of passing in the Senate, where Democrats have a majority.

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