Criticism of Biden's negligence in the face of Israeli human rights abuses 57

Criticism of Biden's negligence in the face of Israeli human rights abuses

Human rights violations by Israel, Human Rights Watch, Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire, US military assistance to Israel

What is the reason for the increase in criticism of Biden due to insufficient support for democracy?

What is Biden's goal of unequivocal support for Israel despite human rights abuses by the Israeli military?

What has been the impact of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)

 on Israeli-US relations?

What is the reason for the increasing pressure on Biden to support Israel in recent months?

Criticism of Biden is growing over his unequivocal support for Israel. They accuse Biden of ignoring Israel's widespread human rights abuses and remaining silent in the face of Israeli crimes.

Insufficient efforts by the US and the West to support democracy

The director of a human rights organization criticized what he called the inadequate efforts of US and other Western leaders to preserve democratic foundations. Kenneth Roth, the executive director of Human Rights Watch, recently criticized US President Joe Biden and other Western leaders for their weak defense of democracy and their inability to meet challenges such as the climate crisis and the Covid-19 epidemic, as well as poverty, inequality and racial injustice. "If democracies are to prevail in the global contest with autocracy, their leaders must do more than spotlight the autocrats' inevitable shortcomings. They need to make a stronger, positive case for democratic rule," Roth said. 

The weakness of American and Western leaders in the face of human rights abusers

The human rights watchdog accused Trump of embracing dictators in a friendly way. Biden came to power in 2021 with slogans about putting human rights at the center of his foreign policy, "But he continued to sell arms to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Israel despite their persistent repression," Roth said. Citing French President Emmanuel Macron and former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Roth wrote: "Other Western leaders displayed similar weakness in their defense of democracy." The human rights director added that Biden seemed to have lost his voice during the keynote address on the public condemnation of serious human rights abuses; The State Department has occasionally issued protests over repression in some countries, and in extreme cases, the Biden government imposes targeted sanctions on some officials, but the president's influential voice has often been silenced.

Violation of the ceasefire between Israel and Palestine

The pilot ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, announced and implemented last year, was more than a crisis prevention for President Joe Biden. What seemed like a nightmare at first turned into a dream opportunity. The exchange of missiles and mortars between Israel and Hamas in Gaza put the Biden government in a difficult position. The left wing of the Democratic Party increasingly came out in support of the Palestinian people, and with Israel's military response to Hamas, progressives led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Talib, and Ilhan Omar criticized Tel Aviv and even the Biden administration. Biden said after the conflict that Israel had the right to defend itself. Reacting to the remarks, Ocasio-Cortez said the US government's approach to the Palestinians was "inhumane" and meant that the US was turning a blind eye to human rights abuses. Senior Biden government officials were outraged by the remarks, but refused to openly clash with the progressives.

Increasing pressure on Biden to support Israel

According to one of Biden's advisers, the president is opposed to making such public statements against Israel, and he is a traditionalist when it comes to Washington-Tel Aviv relations; He has served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for many years and is a staunch supporter of Israel; But as the violence escalated, pressure mounted on Biden to relinquish Israeli support and avoid a wider Democratic rift over the issue. Biden's immediate goal was to push Israel toward a ceasefire while giving Israel enough time to destroy all of Jerusalem's military sites during this round of clashes with Hamas. In fact, the US has achieved an ideal result if Hamas' ability to attack is so severe that it prevents a further conflict, at least until the end of Biden's first term. It probably worked out in Biden's favor.

The impact of JCPOA on Israeli-US relations

Meanwhile, the conflict between Israel and Hamas had put pressure on the Biden government to rejoin the nuclear deal with Iran. Iran is an ally of Hamas and to some extent a supplier of weapons to the group. Iran is seeking to lift all sanctions imposed by the US in the negotiations, and the Biden government appears to be willing to do so to return to the agreement. If the violence in Gaza had not stopped, it would have been almost politically impossible for Biden to be able to reach an agreement with Iran. The deal, which would boost Iran's dollar-denominated production of missiles used by Hamas, would come under heavy attack from Israeli supporters in the US. JCPOA was the main legacy of Barack Obama's foreign policy. Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement, and now, bringing the US back to the agreement is a top foreign policy priority for Joe Biden. Biden, a foreign policy group that is almost identical to Obama's, denies Israeli claims that Iran has facilitated its acquisition of nuclear weapons through the IAEA.

Continued US military assistance to Israel

The Biden government wants to reduce the opposition of Israeli supporters to JCPOA, and continuing military aid to Israel, regardless of the criticisms of the Democratic Left, is one of the main ways. Providing US security assistance to Israel allows the Biden administration to claim that the US is not retreating against Iran's destabilizing activities and is committed to supporting its old allies. Many in Washington believe that although Biden will not pressure Israel like Obama, he will not meet all of his demands like Trump. If negotiations with Iran succeed, Biden will likely accept the consequences of a change in relations with Israel.

The pressure of Zionist lobbies inside the US is forcing Biden to ignore human rights in the occupied territories, as Biden is already seeking victory in the next round of elections to avoid Trump's fate. Biden seeks to maintain the strategy of Israeli power over the Palestinian resistance groups to regain the ground for regaining their lost power in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, but the resistance groups with the superiority of the strategy and the weakness of the Zionist regime inside and the instability of political groups in Inside Tel Aviv, rocket attacks on the Occupied Territories provoke opposition groups and political parties opposed to the Israeli government, which could weaken the Zionist army.

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