Empire in Decline: Washington's Desperate Bid to Curb Iran Amid Israel's Genocide Campaign in Gaza 596

Empire in Decline: Washington's Desperate Bid to Curb Iran Amid Israel's Genocide Campaign in Gaza

Empire in Decline: Washington's Desperate Bid to Curb Iran Amid Israel's Genocide Campaign in Gaza

By: M. S. Qorbani

Amidst the ongoing atrocities in Gaza, the White House has announced its intention to deploy more troops to the Middle East, claiming it is a measure to deter Iran. The US Central Command (CENTCOM) has announced the arrival of the USS Abraham Lincoln, the second aircraft carrier currently deployed to the region, accompanied by destroyers equipped with guided missiles. Yet, this move, far from contributing to stability, highlights Washington's policy to endorse Israel's killing machine in Gaza while attempting to mask its true intentions with deceptive assertions of "deterrence."

The Biden administration strategically executed a calculated maneuver earlier this year, directing the USS Lincoln to relocate from the Indo-Pacific to the Middle East with the never-dying commitment to protect Israel under any circumstances. The Pentagon, with natural discretion regarding the exact whereabouts of its nuclear-armed submarines, has dispatched the USS Georgia, a nuclear-powered guided submarine, to the Middle East. Through these deployments, America's stance remains clear: its backing of Israel's massacre of civilians in Gaza, regardless of the repercussions, is unshaken.

Meanwhile, Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh asserted that this demonstration of military power would compel Iran to reconsider its reactions. She insinuated that the strength of the US military might help curb Iran's defiance and protect Israel. However, such pretentious behavior exudes a sense of powerlessness. On the other hand, the US claims to support de-escalation while also bolstering Israel's capacity to carry out its war crimes without restraint. The hypocrisy is evident and repulsive.

If America genuinely aimed to alleviate tensions, it would not simply engage in discussions about peace while heavily equipping Israel. Instead, it would urge the Israeli regime to cease its indiscriminate destruction of Gaza and implement a ceasefire. However, instead of restraining Israel's aggressive actions, Washington continues to provide additional military assistance. Secretary Austin's recent conversation with Israel's War Minister Yoav Gallant exposed the deceitfulness that underlies US policy. Although Austin expressed a commitment to peace, he promised to provide further military assistance to Israel. He sought to vindicate the increased American presence in the region by citing "rising tensions." The US, as per usual, conceals itself behind its self-proclaimed position as a stabilizer, fueling the very fires it purports to put out.

Truly, the military buildup in Washington has little to do with promoting peace or protecting Israel from perceived Iranian threats. The true objective is to instill fear in Iran and the regional resistance movements that oppose the dominance of the Israeli regime. Through the deployment of two aircraft carriers and a nuclear submarine to the eastern Mediterranean, the US aims to exert pressure on Iran and its allies, seeking their compliance. However, this approach is as misguided as it is desperate. Over the past few years, particularly since the commencement of the Operation Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7, 2023, the strength of US deterrence in the Middle East has significantly diminished. In spite of the extensive military assistance, Israel has been unable to halt the wave of opposition.

When Israel launched its aggressive attack on Gaza following the unexpected October 7 incident, the resistance responded swiftly. Hezbollah in Lebanon, Ansarullah in Yemen, and Iraq's Islamic Resistance have all carried out retaliatory strikes against the Israeli regime and American interests in the region. In spite of the relentless bombardments from Israeli and US forces, these groups have not yielded. In fact, their persistent resistance has shattered the myth of unchallenged US military hegemony, exposing the constraints of US influence in a region long plagued by its imperial designs.

Israel launched an assault on Iran's consulate in Damascus, seemingly emboldened by the backing of the United States. This incident has shed light on the questionable effectiveness of Washington's military warnings, resulting in the unfortunate loss of Iranian military advisors, including General Mohammad Reza Zahedi. Iran, undeterred by American warnings, readied itself for a decisive retaliatory strike. Amidst a state of urgency, the United States swiftly moved to strengthen its forces in the region, inundating Iran with diplomatic appeals to deescalate the situation. Nevertheless, Iran remained resolute in the face of these futile endeavors. The retaliatory operations, carried out with outstanding precision and determination, made a lasting impact on history, proving that even the most powerful displays of American strength could not hinder Iran's growing influence.

Despite Washington's posturing and proclamations of strength, Iran will undoubtedly exercise its right to respond to Israel's aggression. The United States' attempts to intimidate Tehran, as in previous instances, are doomed to fail. The US' disgraceful backing of a regime that engages in war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestine is certain to result in severe consequences. American bravado will not sway the resistance in the Middle East. It won't be long before the consequences of Washington's support for Israel have an impact that extends beyond the Middle East.

Washington, driven by its blindfold allegiance to Israel and deluded by its false sense of superiority, has once again made a miscalculation. The popular opposition is growing, and America's feeble efforts will continue to disintegrate. As the carnage in Gaza grows beyond human imagination, it becomes increasingly evident that America's policies are exacerbating the situation and pushing the region toward a dangerous precipice. And once the chaos subsides, it will become clear that the US empire's military maneuvers were merely a façade to prolong the inevitable decline of its hegemony.
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