How Americans benefit from the agony of millions of Ukrainians?

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How Americans benefit from the agony of millions of Ukrainians?

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world had a golden opportunity to finally establish enduring peace and development. Profit-driven and avaricious governments, particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom, shattered that dream.

As part of its neo-colonial campaign, the US began waging wars, occupying countries, plundering energy resources, and attempting to colonise independent nations. The Europeans, on the other hand, gave up their identity, history, and national interests in order to serve Washington’s agendas. Consequently, many countries have reached the conclusion that the world needs a multipolar international system.

Nearly eleven months have passed since the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine. So far, the conflict has resulted in thousands of fatalities, millions of displaced civilians, and a devastated and divided Ukraine. It has triggered energy and economic crises in the European Union (EU) countries. Worse yet, the situation in Ukraine has awoken the Russian bear, much to the detriment of European nations.

While the conflict has brought utter destruction for Ukraine and economic crises and political turmoil for Europe, it has yielded great benefits for the United States. Analysts believe the European economies will face skyrocketing inflation and a severe recession in 2023. According to several reports, in many European nations, parents stop eating to cover their children’s expenses, and the number of people visiting food banks has increased dramatically.

The European citizens must deal with these catastrophic implications, while one of Washington’s main commitments to the EU states was not to abandon them in the dead of winter. At the same time, the price of US gas sold to Europe has brought in billions of dollars for the US. According to a recent “Financial Times” article, “the net profit of the American oil and gas companies following the war in Ukraine has reached over $200 billion.”

The US took advantage of Europe’s suffering to the extent that even European officials publicly voiced their indignation. In this context, “Politico” reported on European officials’ increasing displeasure with the White House. “The problem is that, obviously, the country that gains the most from this confrontation is the United States,” Politico reported, citing a European official, adding that the US exports more gas at higher prices and ships weaponry to war-torn Ukraine. The Hungarian Foreign Minister, Péter Szijjártó, was the most outspoken European politician to say that the US is exploiting the European economic slowdown caused by the Ukraine conflict and sanctions against Russia. According to Mr. Szijjártó, the European Union has lost the global economic game, which is good news for the US economy.

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