How does Iranian Supreme Leader Imam Khamenei view women?

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How does Iranian Supreme Leader Imam Khamenei view women?

Women, sexual tools, or sacred saints: How does Iranian Supreme Leader Imam Khamenei view women?


1: In contrast to the West's deceptive, hypocritical assertions, our stance towards women is one of reprimand rather than defence.

They [the Westerners] committed a horrible crime against women. So what we say is less of a defence and more of an elucidation of Islamic ideology.


2: The West's economic system has a patriarchal nature. Its primary assumption is that capital is superior to humans. In this economic model, impoverished people toil while investors with more capital are valued. In this materialistic world, a man's social value is directly proportional to his financial stature. Therefore, under the capitalist system, men were prioritised over women since men oversee the macroeconomics and operations of gold mining, jewels, and diamonds in Africa, the United States, and South America. So in this mundane context, it is logical for men to be superior.


3: They [Westerners] did, in fact, denigrate women's intelligence. Throughout history, they were quite disrespectful to women.

The worst-case scenario is that they [young women] were mentally coerced to have sexually attractive continence in order to be socially accepted.


4: Despite the West's disparaging culture and policies aimed at women's dignity, the West claims to be the champion of women's rights.


They [Westerners] are the epitome of audacity in the way they violate women's rights across the globe, yet their actions speak otherwise.This is what the evil Western concept of "women's freedom" entails.


5: A woman in the role of wife is the very definition of quiet and tranquility.In this regard, the Holy Qur'an says:

He created you from a single soul and made you its mate so that he might find comfort in her. (7:189)

When you read the letters written by the spouses of the martyrs, you will discover the true sense of love and peace. Hence, you shall find the secret behind the serenity of a man who has gone to battle for holy defence, defending the holy shrines, or any other challenging missions. [You shall find that] men's devotion and love for their wives drive them to continue defending the nation.

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