International Quds Day: The Endless Quest for Palestinian Liberation

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International Quds Day: The Endless Quest for Palestinian Liberation
International Quds Day: The Endless Quest for Palestinian Liberation

By: M. Sharifi

In the complex landscape of global geopolitics, Palestine stands as an enduring symbol of a nation under occupation, where the occupying force refrains from officially claiming ownership of the land, tacitly acknowledging the illegitimate nature of its presence. For decades, the Zionist regime's pursuit of occupation over the Palestinian territories has been marred by a litany of atrocities inflicted upon the indigenous population, constituting a grave injustice against the humanity.

Since the dawn of the 20th century, the Zionist usurping regime has perpetrated countless heinous war crimes across Palestine, ranging from mass killings and wanton destruction of homes and livelihoods to the arbitrary arrest and torture of men, women, and children. The indignity suffered by the Palestinian nation is further compounded by the relentless efforts to assimilate and subjugate their identity, manifesting in brutal incursions into Palestinian refugee camps and neighboring territories. Infamous episodes such as Sabra and Shatila and the Deir Yassin massacres serve as stark reminders of the pervasive barbarity inflicted upon Palestinian civilians. The systematic annihilation of over 530 Palestinian towns and villages during the initial phases of occupation, coupled with the unrelenting toll of more than 100,000 Palestinian lives lost to direct violence, underscores the unyielding cycle of oppression that has plagued Palestine for over seventy years.

In response to the oppressive occupation, a fervent spirit of resistance has permeated the Palestinian landscape, giving rise to various liberation movements and organizations such as the Fatah Movement, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the Islamic Jihad Movement, and the Hamas Movement. These entities have steadfastly championed the cause of Palestinian liberation, spurred by a collective determination to reclaim their homeland from the clutches of Israeli occupation. Throughout the tumultuous history of resistance, marked by uprisings and intifadas, the Operation Al-Aqsa Storm of October 7, 2023, stands as a pivotal moment in the ongoing struggle for Palestine’s liberation.

The reverberations of the operation Al-Aqsa Storm have echoed across the globe, particularly on the eve of the annual International Quds Day, a seminal occasion established by the late leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini. This momentous day serves as a beacon of solidarity, uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds in a resolute stand against the injustices perpetrated by the Zionist regime. The harrowing events unfolding in Gaza have thrust the plight of Palestine to the forefront of international discourse, galvanizing widespread demonstrations in support of the besieged Palestinians across all continents.

As the world commemorates this year's Quds Day amidst a backdrop of war crimes within the occupied Palestinian territories, a profound sense of urgency underscores the need for collective action in upholding the principles of freedom and justice. This pivotal juncture offers a unique opportunity to redefine the political discourse surrounding Palestinian liberation, fostering a renewed sense of unity within the Islamic world and bolstering the ethos of resistance against Israeli oppression. By embracing a steadfast commitment to the cause of Palestine, we can transcend the confines of religion, race, and geography and embolden the Palestinian resistance fighters on the frontlines in Gaza, thereby heralding a new chapter in the quest for international peace and stability.
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