Iranian Revolutionary Guard warns: We take revenge from the Americans 25

Iranian Revolutionary Guard warns: We take revenge from the Americans

The assistant commander of the Iranian Quds Force, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Falahzadeh, said in a speech: “We will definitely avenge the martyr Soleimani from the Americans, we will not retreat from our Islamic beliefs.”

He added, "The enemies must realize that they cannot force us to retreat by killing our leaders and fighters. We have thousands of Qassem Soleimani, thousands of Mohsen Hojaji, and thousands of defenders of the holy shrines."

He said: "Let the criminal know that we will avenge the blood of Qassem Soleimani and his oppressed companions."

Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Falahzadeh said that the martyr Abdullah Khosravi was one of the leaders ho participated in the liberation of Syrian Palmyra from ISIS, adding: “The city of Palmyra was occupied by the terrorists and according to the leaders’ plan, we were supposed to move towards Palmyra on both sides and push ISIS back, the martyr Khosravi was the commander of "Fatemiyoun" brigade, and with the help of the Syrian forces, he managed to fight valiantly and liberate Palmyra, reaching Albu Kamal, the last stronghold of ISIS

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