Islamic Radio and Television Union: Era of American technological supremacy came to its end, US gov’t internet piracy to be punished soon 50

Islamic Radio and Television Union: Era of American technological supremacy came to its end, US gov’t internet piracy to be punished soon

Several internet domains belonging to members of the Islamic Radio and Television Union have been confiscated and rendered inaccessible by the US Department of Justice. In this regard, the Islamic Radio and Television Union has released the following statement:

In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful

Firstly. Standing in the vanguard of the battle against US terrorism is a noble accomplishment to be proud of. The United States’ shameful act of seizing the internet domains of our fellow member websites is the most evident demonstration of our efficient support for oppressed nations and the Palestinian cause, despite a lack of financial resources, as well as our assiduous efforts to raise public awareness. As a result, we denounce this US practice of open aggression and consider it a flagrant violation of freedom of expression.

Secondly. This incident exemplifies the United States’ complete failure to challenge our logic with counter-logic. Officials in the United States do not tolerate the spread of the truth through websites and social media platforms that expose their heinous policies to the global public and seek to end their hegemonic hegemony in the Middle East.

Thirdly. Under the banner of promoting freedom and human rights, the US vindicates its meddling in the affairs of other nations, imposing pressure and sanctions on many nations, and targeting genuine freedom-loving voices through adopting specious legislation. In reality, Washington attempts to justify its worldwide crimes by enacting hypocritical legislation.

Fourthly. The US government and its deceptive main media have failed to deceive other countries, and their efforts to shut down cyberspace will ultimately fail. Nations are becoming more and more vigilant and determined in their aspirations for freedom and independence. Website seizures and media restrictions will no longer deter free countries from propagating the truth. Today, free nations raise their voices in support of liberty and their duty to assist the downtrodden and oppressed people throughout the globe.

Fifthly. The United States will lose its unilateral technological supremacy; since global competition has already begun. The alternative media platforms are now a possibility, and the US strategy of monopolizing media outlets and suppressing the truth is doomed to fail. Politicians in the United States should be aware that their false facades and charades are quickly collapsing.

Sixthly. Washington’s unethical and unprofessional approach will be severely punished. Seized websites will also quickly resume their regular activities. We have enough experiments to address this situation and confront the US’s attempts to confine nations’ access to media outlets. To avoid a repeat of this infringement, we will pursue a variety of legal and administrative procedures.

Seventhly. We are an international non-governmental organization, and all our members are free to determine and formulate their own media strategy, as well as their political ideas and principles. We praise their courage, fortitude, and honesty. We are committed to upholding our journalistic obligation to expose the US government’s evil intentions.

Eighthly. The acts of the United States, which claims to defend liberty and democratic values, are as absurd as the White House’s false assertions and mendacity in dealing with the independent media. Over the years, the United States has condoned the outrageous crimes committed by its allies while disregarding Israeli crimes against Palestinians.

Ninthly. We renew our pledge to maintain support and cooperation with our fellow members and colleagues, as well as our support for the oppressed nations globally who tenaciously struggle against arrogant imperialists.

To conclude, we call on all organizations, unions, media outlets, and various television channels, as well as legal entities

and associations, social and cultural activists, to voice their support for our campaign and join us in denouncing the US government’s violation of the right to free expression.

The Islamic Radio and Television Union’s Secretary-General Ali Karimian

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