Nasrallah: Hezbollah has 100,000 fighters, so sit back and be good! 52

Nasrallah: Hezbollah has 100,000 fighters, so sit back and be good!

Hezbollah has never been stronger. We have 100 thousand trained, armed, structured, experienced fighters.

This was stated yesterday by the leader of the Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah. Seyed Hassan Nasrallah in the important speech given after the sniper shots that last Thursday in south Beirut killed seven people at a demonstration against Judge Tarek Bitar, addressing the Christian group “Lebanese Forces”, which has long instigated against Hezbollah to provoke an internal war in Lebanon said: “Tonight, for the first time, I have to reveal this number in order to prevent a civil war, and you know that I do not lie and I belong to a School [that of the Ahl-al-Bayt, the Family of the Prophet] that does not consider licit lying even in psychological warfare.

The number of Hezbollah’s military forces, only the men and only the Lebanese, trained, armed and ready to move mountains not with an order but a mere nod, is one hundred thousand.

If we add to them the women and other Shiites who are our supporters, their number will be much higher. So sit down and be good.”

Nasrallah categorically rejected the accusation of threatening Lebanese Christians. “We protected the Christians in Syria against Isis and the Lebanese in Arsal,” he said recalling the attacks carried out in Lebanon by terrorists from Syria. Hezbollah moreover is allied with the Free Patriots Current, the most important of the Christian parties, which is headed by President Michel Aoun.

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