Sanctions against Russia, most Austrians say no

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Sanctions against Russia, most Austrians say no

 41% of Austrians oppose the embargo against Russia due to the Ukrainian crisis, while 37% of those interviewed are in favor of maintaining the sanctions and another 22% are undecided. This was revealed by a survey conducted by the INSA institute. According to Express, the lowest support for the sanctions was recorded among young and middle-aged respondents.

Moscow could try to take advantage of the upcoming Orthodox Easter holiday, April 16, to ask for a ceasefire in the name of respect for the Orthodox Church: the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) writes in its daily update on the progress of the conflict. The US research center recalls that the Kremlin has shown no respect for religion in the areas occupied by its forces and refused a ceasefire on the occasion of the Orthodox Easter of 2022 "so as not to give the nationalists of Kiev a break" during the battle of Mariupol.

This was revealed by one of the American military documents circulating online. The facts, according to reports from The Washington Post, quoted by Rai news, date back to last September 29, off the coast of Crimea. The incident could have drawn the United States and its NATO allies directly into the war in Ukraine. The document, one of several leaked by the Pentagon that triggered a Justice Department investigation, refers to the incident as a "near-kill UK RJ," a reference to the common "Rivet Joint" nickname for RC-135 , reconnaissance aircraft. The aircraft is used to pick up radio broadcasts and other electronic messages.

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