SCANDAL: A Conservative Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom says she was demoted due to her Muslim faith

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SCANDAL: A Conservative Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom says she was demoted due to her Muslim faith

Nusrat Ghani, a former Conservative Member of Parliament, claims she was sacked from her position as junior transport minister because to “uncomfortable” emotions among colleagues over her religion.

Ghani said that she was informed by a “whip” (a member responsible for maintaining parliamentary discipline) that her “Muslimness” had a factor in her removal.

The Muslim MP alleged that she was warned at the Downing Street reshuffle session before to the formation of a new cabinet that “‘Muslimness’ was emphasised as a ‘issue’ and that my ‘Muslim women minister’ post was causing discomfort among colleagues.”

“I will not pretend that this hasn’t damaged my trust in the party, and there have been moments when I really contemplated retiring as a Member of Parliament.”

Mark Spenser, the government’s principal “whip” and lead “whip” in Ghani’s case, characterised the claims as “totally untrue” and misleading.

He said that he never made the comments that Ghani ascribed to him.

To avoid implicating other Whips in this situation, I am identifying myself as the one charged this evening by Nusrat Ghani MP.

These allegations are false and, in my judgement, libellous.

I made none of the statements ascribed to me.

on January 22, 2022, by Mark Spencer (@Mark Spencer).

According to Spenser, Ghani originally rejected to launch an internal investigation over the allegations.

The Conservative Party has previously been accused of Islamophobia, and a May study condemned the party’s handling of anti-Muslim prejudice claims.

A prudent losing streak

Ghani’s accusations stemmed from the Johnson incident.

According to a senior Tory, the British government has used intimidation and attempted extortion against MPs suspected of wanting Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s departure.

Johnson is under pressure to resign after a string of Downing Street controversies, including his participation at a party in his office during the United Kingdom’s COVID-19 lockdown.

Johnson has been embroiled in a series of recent scandals, and a recent survey revealed that the majority of respondents believe he should resign.

Johnson also offered a conditional apology for any harm caused by his earlier anti-Islamic views, which included a newspaper editorial in which he referred to burqa-clad women as “walking around looking like letterboxes.”

Johnson’s personal approval rating sank to its lowest level since the election in December.

Islamophobia is growing in popularity.

The United Kingdom, along with France and Germany, has shown a recent spike in far-right sentiment.

By 2020, the UK’s jail rate for far-right offences will have increased by more than a third.

Late Tuesday, the French upper parliamentary chamber decided to alter a draught regulation prohibiting the wearing of “prominent religious symbols” while competing in events and competitions organised by sports federations, stressing that “neutrality is a must” on the field.

Although it is unknown if the restriction would extend to the 2024 Paris Olympics, if it does, a boycott wave is likely, considering that Muslims won a significant share of medals at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

The verdict sparked outrage and condemnation for egregious abuses of religious liberty.

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