The Grand Deception: America's Reign of Terror Unmasked 2583

The Grand Deception: America's Reign of Terror Unmasked

The Grand Deception: America's Reign of Terror Unmasked
By: M. Sharifi

In the grand theater of global politics, the United States of America perpetuates an enduring narrative of championing human rights and safeguarding democracy. Yet, beneath this facade lies a disquieting reality: the US has not only engaged in acts of terrorism but has also nurtured and supported terrorist entities to further its geopolitical interests. This op-ed seeks to unravel the intricate web of American hypocrisy, exposing the nation's duplicitous role as both an alleged adversary and an insidious perpetrator of global terrorism.

For decades, the United States has wielded the specter of terrorism as a pretext for its imperialistic endeavors. Accusing sovereign nations, particularly the Islamic Republic of Iran, of state-sponsored terrorism, Washington has orchestrated a series of interventions under this dubious guise. However, historical evidence and scholarly research, notably by Noam Chomsky, reveal that it is the US itself that stands as the foremost purveyor of state terrorism. Chomsky's seminal works, such as "The Political Economy of Human Rights," elucidate how American foreign policy has institutionalized terrorism within its sphere of influence, embedding this pernicious practice in the fabric of developing nations.

Chomsky's incisive analysis underscores that the proliferation of state terrorism globally is a direct consequence of US foreign policy. In his treatise "9/11," he unequivocally asserts that America is "the biggest terrorist state in the world and is proud of it." This damning indictment is not hyperbolic rhetoric but a reflection of the empirical reality wherein the US has consistently supported dictatorial regimes, provided military aid to insurgent groups, and engaged in covert operations that destabilize regions to protect its hegemonic interests.

As a matter of fact, the annals of modern history are replete with instances of Washington’s complicity in acts of terror and violence. One of the most egregious examples is the downing of Iran Air Flight 655 in 1988, resulting in the tragic loss of 290 innocent lives. This heinous act, far from being an isolated incident, epitomizes the callousness with which the US executes its foreign policy. Instead of expressing remorse, the American administration at the time lauded the perpetrator, a testament to the moral bankruptcy that pervades its governance.

Perhaps no act more starkly illustrates the United States' capacity for terror than the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On August 6 and 9, 1945, the world witnessed an unprecedented horror as these Japanese cities were obliterated by nuclear weapons, resulting in the deaths of over 200,000 people, the majority of whom were civilians. The immediate devastation, compounded by long-term radiation effects, underscores a grotesque indifference to human life. This cataclysmic event serves as a grim reminder of America's willingness to employ the most extreme measures to assert its dominance.

In Middle East, the Israeli regime functions as a primary instrument of American terror in the Middle East. Washington's unwavering support for the Zionist regime has enabled a litany of atrocities, from targeted assassinations to large-scale military operations against Palestinian civilians. The US not only provides Israel with substantial military aid but also shields it from international censure by vetoing United Nations Security Council resolutions aimed at condemning its actions. This unholy alliance perpetuates a cycle of violence and instability in the region, undermining any prospects for lasting peace.

The United States' so-called war on terror is a the pinnacle of hypocrisy. While professing to combat terrorism, Washington has historically aligned itself with genuine terrorist organizations when it suits its strategic objectives. This duplicitous stance has not gone unnoticed. Globally, there is a growing recognition of America's Janus-faced policy, engendering widespread disdain and opposition to US interventions. The dissonance between America's rhetoric and its actions reveals a nation that, far from being a defender of freedom and justice, stands as a paragon of duplicity and moral corruption.

As the world grapples with the scourge of terrorism, it is imperative to confront uncomfortable truths about its primary enabler. The United States, cloaked in the veneer of democracy and human rights, has orchestrated and perpetuated terror to advance its imperialistic agenda. The time has come for the international community to hold America accountable for its transgressions and to demand an end to its reign of terror. Only through such a reckoning can the world hope to achieve genuine peace and security, free from the specter of American hypocrisy.
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