The Zionist Grip on American Democracy: A Political System Hijacked by Israeli Interests 680

The Zionist Grip on American Democracy: A Political System Hijacked by Israeli Interests

The Zionist Grip on American Democracy: A Political System Hijacked by Israeli Interests
By: M. Sharifi

It is now more evident than ever that a decentralized yet powerful web of lobby groups has transformed the United States into a political machine. These groups dominate the decision-making process, rendering the very concept of "American democracy" a farce. Among the plethora of special interest groups, one stands above the rest in its ruthless efficiency and influence—the Jewish lobby, spearheaded by AIPAC (the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee). Despite representing a mere 3% of the population, this demographic has masterfully inserted itself into the highest echelons of the American political establishment through AIPAC and other Zionist-aligned organizations.

AIPAC is not simply another lobby group—it is the puppet master pulling the strings of US foreign and domestic policy. Cloaked in the guise of legality, it operates with astonishing impunity, infiltrating every facet of American political life. From Capitol Hill to media boardrooms, the Zionist lobby wields unparalleled influence. It is not some shadowy conspiracy but an overt reality—an army of well-funded, interconnected individuals and groups relentlessly steering US policy in Israel's favor, all while remaining shielded by America's political and legal apparatus.

One need only look at AIPAC’s role in US elections to witness its overwhelming sway. This lobby unabashedly pours astronomical sums of money into campaigns, ensuring that only candidates who pander to Israeli interests find their way to Washington. The symbiotic relationship between AIPAC and American politicians is evident in the obscene levels of foreign aid granted to Israel. Reports indicate that Israel receives $50 in aid for every dollar the Israeli lobby spends on influencing elections, which directly funds the construction of illegal settlements and the ongoing militarization of the Zionist state. Such financial leverage is more than just influence; it is a wholesale purchase of US foreign policy.

Israel's supporters' influence in the US extends beyond elections. They infiltrate Congress itself, responding swiftly and brutally to any attempt to criticize Israeli policies. A lobby with no opposition effectively blacklists lawmakers who dare to disagree, ending their careers. This stranglehold on Congress is deeply anti-democratic and underscores the extent to which Israel's interests dominate US legislative priorities. AIPAC has mastered the art of silencing opposition, reducing the American legislative branch to mere puppetry, mouthing platitudes of support for Israel while neglecting the will and well-being of the American people.

The upcoming presidential election illustrates the utter subservience of American politicians to the Zionist agenda. Netanyahu’s recurring appearances in US Congress, the obsequious receptions he receives, and his unceasing demands for American support in Israel’s colonial ventures expose the true nature of this relationship. Republican or Democrat, it scarcely matters—both parties scramble to appease Israel, perpetually vying for favor with AIPAC. Even Trump, in his rabid pursuit of political power, was quick to remind Netanyahu of his unilateral support during his presidency, boasting of actions such as withdrawing from the JCPOA and assassinating Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. Trump saw these crimes not only as a defense of US interests, albeit incorrectly, but also as a favor to Israel and an attempt to win over the Zionist lobby in Washington.

Kamala Harris’ tepid attempts at opposition to Netanyahu’s extremist policies, particularly in Gaza, are but hollow gestures—a superficial break from the established order. Yet they fail to mask the depth of the United States' complicity in Israel’s atrocities. No matter who sits in the White House, whether it is Biden, Harris, or Trump, one thing remains constant: the United States’ unwavering support for Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine. Supporting Palestinians comes at a high cost to American democracy.

The citizens of America, whose votes have become hollow rituals, are not the true rulers. Instead, the Zionist lobbies dictate who occupies the Oval Office and Congress, ensuring that the United States remains forever complicit in Israel’s colonial project. The electoral college itself, a relic of a broken system, guarantees that the candidate who secures the favor of AIPAC will ascend to power, regardless of the popular vote. The 2017 election, where Trump lost the popular vote but won the electoral college, was yet another stark reminder that American democracy is an illusion—an elaborate façade maintained to mask the profound corruption at its core.


Many observers argue that those who gain the backing of the Zionist lobby in Capitol Hill, not the American nation, determine America's future. While the American electorate casts their votes, AIPAC and its affiliates consistently prioritize Israel's interests, often at the expense of US interests. As a result, with American dollars and diplomatic support, Israel continues unchallenged to expand its illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, enforce apartheid policies, and perpetuate a cycle of violence and massacre in the Middle East. The truth, as uncomfortable as it may be, is that the United States no longer serves its citizens but rather a foreign power that has deftly manipulated its political system. As long as this state of affairs persists, any talk of freedom, democracy, or human rights from Washington will ring hollow—a mere echo of ideals prolonged since abandoned in the corridors of power.
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