Who is behind the drone strike against the Iraqi Prime Minister’s house? Americans, or Al-Kadhimi himself? 35

Who is behind the drone strike against the Iraqi Prime Minister’s house? Americans, or Al-Kadhimi himself?

According to Iraqi authorities, bomb-laden drones struck Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi’s residence early Sunday morning this week, but he escaped unscathed. Three unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) reportedly participated in the failed drone raid on the Iraqi prime minister’s mansion, two of which were shot down while the third struck its target. According to police accounts, no one was injured during the attack, and some news agencies even claimed that Mr Al-Kadhimi’s house was empty and no one was there at the time. Following the incident, the international press speculated on three main scenarios:

1-The Western media rushed to falsely blame the attack on pro-Iran Iraqi resistance forces. However, any instability in Iraq presents a direct threat to the same Iraqi resistance forces that have sacrificed tens of thousands of martyrs and veterans to keep Iraq safe and secure.

2-The entire affair was a farce and a sham, albeit a very unprofessional one. The unusual failure of the American-made C-RAM defence system, which is stationed outside the US embassy in Baghdad’s strongly guarded Green Zone and normally reacts to even the least suspicious activity, is one of the grounds in favour of this scenario. Many Iraqi observers believe that the attack on the Prime Minister’s residence was made up, according to the evidence, to discredit the Iraqi opposition, raise ethnic tensions, generate insecurity, and jeopardise Iraq’s already poor stability. Numerous Iraqi lawmakers believe the real culprits of the attack on al-Kadimi’s residence were the American invaders, who have used all of their political, security, and military power to destabilise Iraq to vindicate their refusal to leave the oil-rich nation despite Iraqi parliament laws. This scenario is corroborated by the spurious reaction of US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price to the event. He took advantage of the opportunity to denounce the attack on Al-Kadhimi’s residence and to declare that the United States has offered to assist Iraqi authorities in their investigation into Sunday’s UAV strike.

Others believe the Americans wanted Al-Kadhimi killed as part of a malicious plan to turn Iraq into a war-ravaged failed state that can be easily plundered. Exactly in this context, in recent months, certain pro-American politicians have been striving to realise the scenario of postponing Iraqi parliamentary elections, with the Americans operating behind the scenes, but the Iraqi people responded by coming to the ballots. When the results of the Iraqi election were released on October 10, numerous political groups and coalitions accused one another of vote-rigging. Rallies started peacefully, but became violent on Friday, wounding a large number of demonstrators. As a result, Al-Kadhimi might be seeking to disrupt the peaceful protest by stirring tensions by staging a phoney assassination attempt on his own life.

As a result, drone strikes seem to be the work of the same forces that are stoking the fires of Iraq’s civil and sectarian strife and who have previously been down this sinister path.

Although a closer examination of the documents related to the drone attack on the Iraqi Prime Minister’s house in the coming days will reveal the attack’s hidden dimensions, vigilance is needed on the part of the patriotic Iraqi forces to maintain and strengthen national cohesion, particularly by promoting constructive political positions.

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