World Islamic Awakening Forum: Zionist regime will pay a high price for the martyrdom of Sheikh Hezr Adnan 58

World Islamic Awakening Forum: Zionist regime will pay a high price for the martyrdom of Sheikh Hezr Adnan

The World Forum for Islamic Awakening issued a statement condemning the Zionist regime's crime of martyrdom of Sheikh Khizr Adnan and stressed that the Zionist regime would pay a high price for the martyrdom of Sheikh Khizr Adnan.

In this statement, the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening stressed: "Every drop of blood spilled in the occupied territories and by the Palestinians is sacred and a source of great upheaval and change that will definitely shorten the life of the criminal Zionist regime and hasten its collapse."
The statement of the World Forum for Islamic Awakening refers to the method of arrest, inhuman treatment and finally the martyrdom of this Palestinian fighter and one of the commanders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, who fought against the Zionist occupation for many years on the way to the liberation of the holy Quds, and during his fighting life he was arrested 12 times and spent a total of 8 years in the prisons of the Zionist regime. This is another shameful page of the crimes of this criminal regime.
In continuation of this statement, it is argued that the martyrdom of Sheikh Hezr Adnan indicates that the Zionist regime, as in the past, insists on the organized commission of crimes against the Palestinian people and Islamic Resistance fighters.
The statement of the World Forum for Islamic Awakening emphasizes that the Israeli occupation regime has moved to a policy of intensifying the killing of Palestinians. This policy will certainly not lead to the results expected by the criminals, but it will backfire and this brutal regime will soon face a harsh reaction from the Palestinian Mujahideen and pay a high price on the battlefield for the martyrdom of Sheikh Hezr Adnan.Palestinian prisoner of Israeli dungeons, a member of the Islamic Jihad movement Sheikh Hezr Adnan, who went on a hunger strike in the dungeons of the Zionist regime of Israel, died a martyr on the 86th day of the hunger strike.

Sheikh Khezr Adnan was one of the first in his homeland (the village of Aaraba in the province of Jenin) who joined the Islamic Jihad movement during its formation in the early 2000s. In fact, he is considered one of the founders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement on the West Bank of the Jordan River.

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