A few chapters of Daesh crimes 2

Explosion in Ankara's central train station: October 10, 2015

Two suicide bombers among marchers (peace for democracy) blew themselves in front of Ankara's central railway station. The incident left 102 killed.

Suicide bombing in Paris: November 13, 2015

Three armed teams of Daesh suicide bombers targeted 6 places in Paris suburbs killing at least 129 and wounding hundreds.

Burning the Jordanian pilot, January 3, 2015

Following the beheading of a Japanese journalist, Daesh terrorists burned Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasasbeh alive as he was trapped in a cage. The terrorists then published the video of this crime in social media.

Spyker Crime: June 12 – 15, 2014

During the Daesh attack on Camp Speicher in Iraq's Tikrit province, about 4,000 unarmed Iraqi cadets were in the camp. Among them, the terrorists massacred 1,700 unarmed Shia cadets.

Drowning in a cage

In a new method in order to scare enemies, the criminal Daesh group locked dozens of people - especially in Mosul in Iraq's Nineveh province - in metal cages before drowning them.

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