Collection of posters: A part of Zakzaki activities:

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Collection of posters: A part of Zakzaki activities:

Ibrahim Zakzaki

Sheikh Ibrahim Ibn Yaqub Zakzaki was born on May 5, 1953, in the city of Zaria, Nigeria, in a religious family Which has a long history of political and anti-colonial activity, such as Sheikh Zakzaki's ancestor, who was one of the jurists of his time and one of the fighters against colonialism in Africa.

Zakzaki, who was originally Maliki Sunni, became a Shiite after meeting with Imam Khomeini and after returning to Nigeria, started to call Nigerian people to the religion of the Ahl al-Bayt (as).

A part of Zakzaki activities:

- Islamic student activities at the national level.

- Holding mass demonstrations in support of the inclusion of Shariah in the Nigerian Constitution.

- Traveled to Iran on the first anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and met with Imam Khomeini and converted to the Shiite.

- The formation of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria. 

- beginning to leader Shiites in this country.

- Launching peaceful protests in Nigeria.

- Presenting 6 martyr children on the path of Islamic ideals.

Source: “Pasdar-e-Islam” magazine, June 2020

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