Collection of posters: Madrid Conference, October 1991 (2)

The Madrid Conference (October 1991)

Arab states set a condition that negotiations be multilateral, without letting 'Israel' to single out any Arab side alone, as the case of Egypt during the Egyptian-'Israeli' peace deal of 1979. Meanwhile, 'Israel' was insisting that the negotiations include dual rounds beside the multilateral ones.

Madrid Conference (October 1991) 

In the conference which was held under the slogan "Land for Peace" the Arab countries were expected to take back their occupied lands in exchange for making peace with Israel.  

The conference lasted 3 days with all participants delivering speeches. But the speeches mostly ended up in arguments among them.

Madrid Conference (October 1991) 

Following the failure of the 3-day meetings of the conference, the participants agreed for negotiations between Arab delegations and the Zionist regime to continue in Washington. 12 round of negotiations were held in Washington, without any bearing a fruit.

The end of the Madrid Conference track (October 1991)

In the fall of 1992, George Bush lost the US presidential elections for Bill Clinton, and in 'Israel', Shamir lost the elections for Isaac Rabin, practically putting an end to the Madrid track.

Meanwhile, the 'Israelis' had secret talks with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, starting a secret track that led to signing the Oslo Accord.

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