Collection of posters: Media hegemony of the arrogance

Transnational media act as one of the most effective tools to consolidate the domination of the global hegemony, the U.S. in particular. These media are affiliated with powerful and influential transnational companies and play a key role in serving the interests of countries such as the U.S.

The globalization of communication after the 1960s can be perceived from the growth of transnational companies and media such as Time, Warner Bros., Disney, Reuters, Sony, Murdoch and Bertlesman. The companies are all affiliated with powerful economies and a huge share of the western media global hegemony belongs to the United States.

Transnational companies tried to take control of the media activity arena. That created a media monopoly which destroyed diversity and almost all different opinions and attitudes in the media arena. That was in a way that the audience of the mass media look at the world and its developments from the viewpoint of these companies.

Did you know that…

The biggest cinema corporations with the highest revenues from movie production as well as the biggest print media in the world are all American and most of them are owned or run by Jews?

The goals that the West pursues by chain media such as Yahoo, Google, Youtube, Hollywood...

- Attacking identity, religion, morality and humanity.

- To shift the people's media taste the way they prefer

- distancing their audience from human values.

Did you know that…

91% of internet searches are performed with three search engines of Google, Yahoo and the MSN. These search engines act as the users representatives  and are run by two or three big private American companies owned by Jews.

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