Collection of posters: Prohibition of Holocaust critique 1

On November 1, 2005, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution suggested by the United States, Australia, "Israel", Canada, and Russia with the support of 104 countries, declaring "Holocaust denial unacceptable" and specifying January 27 as a day of remembrance for the victims, and named the day “Holocaust Remembrance Day”. by this resolution, the united nations practically closed the way to critique and study this historical event that no one has the right to deny or doubt.


in many European countries, Denying the Holocaust or considering it as anexaggerated issue is a crime. The occupying Zionist regime and the countries of Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Canada, Liechtenstein, Hungary, Portugal, the Netherlands and Luxembourg have laws against Holocaust deniers. David Irving, Roger Garaudy, Jürgen Graf and Robert Forison are the best examples of Holocaust deniers.

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