Collection of posters: Some Zionist occupation crimes since1946 until our day 1

Destroying the King David Hotel: 

The King David Hotel was inaugurated in al-Quds in 1931 AD and was used during the World War II, as the British Army's command center as well as for the archive of several works by the Jewish Agency during the gradual occupation of Palestine. And in July, 1946, it was bombed using more than 350 kilograms of explosive material by the terrorist Zionist groups called "Haganah, Irgun and Stern," and it was entirely destroyed.

The Deir Yasin Massacre: 

Deir Yasin is a name of a small village located near al-Quds. Its population in 1948 was around 700 people. On April 10, 1948, the village was attacked by three armed groups. One of them was called Irgun, and was led by Menachem Begin, the other was named Stern and led by Isaac Shamir, while the third was called the Haganah and led by David Ben-Gurion. The attack, which was faced by major resistance from the villagers, killed 250 members, most of them were women , children and the elderly. The attack also included horrible crimes such as raping women, distorting bodies, opening the bellies of the pregnant women and bombing houses.

The Lod and Ramla Massacres:

 In July, 1948, Zionist militias attacked the two villages. They didn't keep alive but 25 Palestinian families. 176 Palestinians were martyred during this crime.

Tantura Massacre:

 The village of Tantura is located south of the occupied city of Haifa. On May 23rd, 1948, Tantura witnessed the biggest Zionist crime against its villagers. The tragic details of the Tantura Massacre were kept hidden from 1984  to 2000, until they were revealed by the 'Israeli' researcher Theodore Katz in his Master's thesis that used the Zionist army's archive. Katz uncovered that 200 Palestinians were annihilated in this village.

The Dawaymeh Massacre:

The village is located in the al-khalil province.

In October 1948 the village witnessed a brutal attack by zionist militias, in which 500 members, including 200 from other villages who sought refugein in the Dawaymeh, were killed.

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