Collection of posters: The Arbaeen walk - an experience like no other

Peace be upon you, O my master, and the Angels who flutter around your dome, surround your grave, circumambulate your courtyard, and come for your visitation.

Table that spread&fed many people, was answer to companions of Jesus, ones who asked for a sign; it's just the same we see in Arbaeen walk.

Arbaeen is the gathering of lovers of peace & friendship from all over the world, next to one another, near the grave of Hussain, the Leader of Humanity and Love!

Peace be upon him, who was saturated in (his) blood. Peace be upon him, whose tents were violated. Peace be upon the fifth of the People of the Cloak Ziyarat al-Nahiya al-Muqaddasa

Great sayings of the prelate of Georgia about Arbaeen walk .... Love of Hussein is universal

Arbaeen is the best opportunity to split the false impressions regarding Islam created by the Western media.

'Hussain's revolution was aimed at saving the people from corruption, humiliation, mortification and ignorance.

The event of Arbaeen sends this message to the Islamic Ummah that the only way that can return the dignity, power is a comeback to the pure Mohammadian Islam.

The Arbaeen walk - an experience like no other

It is intolerable for the US and Israel to see the people of Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, oppressed Saudis and the revolutionaries of Egypt and Iran gathered together.

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