Collection of posters: The May 17, 1983 Deal

The Lebanese government held a deal with the Zionist entity whose army has arrived in Beirut. The deal identified the basics of dealing with both parties and was known as the May 17 Treaty.

The May 17 Treaty is a deal that aims at creating a normal relationship between Lebanon and the Zionist enemy during the Lebanese civil war and after the 'Israeli' invasion of Lebanon, and blockading Beirut in 1982.

Terms of the treaty:

- Cancelling the state of war between Lebanon and the Zionist entity

- The full Zionist withdrawal from Lebanon in a period of 8-12 weeks

- Establishing a security zone inside the Lebanese lands, pledged to be established by the Lebanese government under an American-Zionist-Lebanese committee's supervision

- Forming offices for communication between the two parties to make business deals

- 'Israel' and Lebanon refrain from making any form of counter-propaganda towards the other party

Stances and Repercussions:

- Heads of patriotic and national parties, Walid Jumblatt, In'am Raad, George Hawi, head of Amal Movement, and current Parliament Speaker, Mr. Nabih Berri, labelled the treaty as the "Deal of Humiliation and Shame" stressing that this deal was born dead.

- The National Salvation Front also rejected the deal, and then Syrian President Hafez al-Assad stressed that this deal will not pass.

- Popular protests took place in all Lebanese areas, along with military actions on some axes, in which the pace of military operations against the enemy increased, and the February 6, 1984 uprising kicked off in Beirut, during which the forces rejecting the May 17 Treaty controlled the capital's western part.

The Result :

- On March 5, 1984, and under pressure from the military and popular resistance, the Lebanese Parliament was forced to cancel the deal.

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