From the 1953 coup to Iran nuclear talks, U.S. never gives up viciousness 51

From the 1953 coup to Iran nuclear talks, U.S. never gives up viciousness

The number of coups d'état that western governments and powers have launched against independent governments - which were mostly elected by the people - is astonishingly large. According to a number of reports, America has tried to overthrow 50 governments since the end of the Second World War until today.

There are some people who say that we should compromise with the US somehow and a little bit because this way, their enmities might decrease. No,[This is not right]. They have not even shown mercy to those who trusted, pinned their hopes on and referred to the US for assistance. Who for example? Dr. Mosaddeq. In order to fight and stand up against the English – this is what he wished to do – he turned to the Americans. He met with and negotiated with them and asked for their help. He trusted them. [But] The coup d'état of the 28th of Mordad(1953 coup) was not launched by the English, rather it was launched by the US against Mosaddeq.

This means that they are not even pleased with the likes of Mosaddeq. They want servants and docile and subservient agents. Who for example? For example, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. They want such individuals so that they rule over this rich, blessed, wealthy and sensitive country – in terms of its geographical position and various capabilities. They are looking for someone whose hands are tied and who submits to them. This is what the Americans want. If such agents do not act like this, they turn into enemies. On the issue of Tabas, they showed enmity and they received a blow on their head. On the issue of destroying our passenger plane, they showed enmity. On the issue of sanctions, they have shown enmity since the first day. Today, they are showing enmity as well. They are acting in the most vicious way in the area of ruining the nuclear negotiations and their results –the agreement known as the JCPOA. So, they are enemies.

[You see] the contradictions between western actions and western slogans. They constantly speak about freedom, democracy, human rights and the like, but in practice, western governments have violated these slogans in a way that today bringing up these slogans by the westerns is considered to be ridiculous and condemnable. Thinkers and intellectuals understand that these slogans are hollow.

The number of coups d'état that western governments and powers have launched against independent governments - which were mostly elected by the people - is astonishingly large. According to a number of reports, America has tried to overthrow 50 governments since the end of the Second World War until today. It has adopted all sorts of measures for overthrowing 50 governments and it has confronted tens of popular orientations. These courses of action have been recorded in the performance sheet of America and other such countries.

The only time that a nuclear bomb has been used is by America which claims, more than anyone else, to support people, human rights and the like. During the event that happened in Japan, more than 200,000 people were killed and more suffered from its consequences. Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib prisons and the secret prisons which were established in Europe proved to everyone that these people have secret prisons, that they torture people and that they keep individuals there without any trial. These prisons still exist and everyone is witnessing this. This was the third factor that challenged the ideological system of the west.

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