Hoot (torpedo), world's highest-speed torpedo 111

Hoot (torpedo), world's highest-speed torpedo

The Hoot is an Iranian supercavitation torpedo with the following specifications:

1. World's fastest torpedo 2. Missile's speed is 100 meters per second, which is 4 times faster than

conventional torpedoes 3. Having rocket propellants and the ability to supercavitation 4. high-explosive warhead (210kg TNT equivalent) 5. Relying on solid rocket propulsion technology

6. Destroying targets within a radius of 15 km The latest achievement of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of torpedoes is the advanced Valfajr torpedo, which was built after the 533 and TEST-71 torpedoes. Valfajr torpedo can be guided using two systems, radar and sonar.

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