Hussein (pbuh) is the true essence of the divine religions 44

Hussein (pbuh) is the true essence of the divine religions

Antoine Barra Syrian Christian Scientist and Writer

Hussein (pbuh) is the true essence of the divine religions and is the conscience of love, protection and affection that contains the truths of the future. Who has openly said: "I went out only to reform my ancestral nation ...? I want to command the good and forbid the bad." This is Hussein (PBUH) who is located in the field of Truth and his uprising has become the embodiment and essence of all religions for all history. He has risen to reform his ancestral nation, the best nation that has risen with the three slogans of faith in the one God, enjoining the good and forbidding the evil to S fight (the evil). These slogans are the same three principles of morality that are mentioned in the Torah, the Bible and the Qur'an.

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