Islamic Revolution, large historic innovation 40

Islamic Revolution, large historic innovation

The Islamic Republic was itself a great historical innovation, which was created by the Iranian nation and went down in the history of the country and humanity at large. After the advent of colonialism, the world was divided into two parts: those who dominated and those who were the object of domination. Some powers and countries managed to dominate some other countries by relying on knowledge, weapons or deception. These poneers became the dominates and the other nations willingly or umvillingly came under their domination. The world got used to this classifica tion. Then, the Islamic Republic stepped in and made this illogical classification and this wrong system totally invalid. The Islamic Republic declared that it was opposed to clomination and that it will never choose to dominate other na Lions even if it in the power to do so. The Islamic Republic declared that it will witherspread its domination over other nations nor will the country officials spread their domination over their own people. Our Islamic Republic is op posed to domination, and even more so to ubmitting to domination

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