Husseini Arba'in, the glory of the intimacy of the two nations of Tran and Iraq Ayatollah Khamenei (May God probong Ais eife) We - Iran and Iraq - are two nations connected to each other; Our bodies, our hearts, our souls are connected; What has created this connection is faith in God and love for the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), love for Husayn ibn Ali (peace be upon him); This will increase day by day, God willing. The enemies are plotting, but the enemies' conspiracy will not work.
The epic of the Arba'in march
Ayatollah Khamenei (May Cod prolong this me)
It is the Arba'in days, and blessed are those who are walking or will walk and will reach the pilgrimage of Arba'in, and they will recite that well-meaning pilgrimage of Arba'in, God willing, addressed to
the Imam.
We look at them with enthusiasm and regret from here.
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