Qays bin Mashar Siddawi (peace be upon him) 41

Qays bin Mashar Siddawi (peace be upon him)

As he entered Kufa, he had Hussain's last letter in his hand; A letter written by Hussain to his envoy Muslim bin Aqeel. He asked people about Muslim's place of residence and when he realized that people had left him alone, suddenly it was as if the world collapsed on him. He should have conveyed the news of Muslim's martyrdom to Hussain as soon as possible and forbade him from coming to Kufa. But he had not yet left the city when he was arrested. He favored Hussain against the ruler of Kufa so much that he became mad with anger.
Ibn Ziyad ordered to throw him down from the top of the building. But he kept repeating Hossein's name under his breath until the last moment.

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