Significance of the spirit of “awaiting” 316

Significance of the spirit of “awaiting”

Truly, the spirit of “awaiting (the Savior),” the spirit of being in connection with the Imam of the Time [Imam Mahdi (may our souls be sacrificed for his sake)], and eagerly anticipating his Reappearance and the arrival of that day is one of the greatest gateways to the coming of “relief (faraj)” to the Islamic society. We are awaiting his Reappearance. This awaiting itself is a relief. This awaiting itself is a gateway to relief. It brings hope. It is energizing. It helps us avoid feelings of futility, loss, despair, and uncertainty about the future. [In place of these], it gives us hope and direction. This is the issue regarding the Imam of the Time (aj), and I hope that Almighty God will bless us with the fulfilment of this divine promise.

Ayatollah Khamenei
June 11, 2014
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