Successful implementation of the first phase of the clinical trial of Corona vaccine by Iran 54

Successful implementation of the first phase of the clinical trial of Corona vaccine by Iran

Successful implementation of the first phase of the clinical trial of Corona vaccine by Iran Produced(made) under sanctions

This vaccine is made in a situation in which Iran is

completely under drug (medicine) embargo

Medium preservation temperature

Its preservation temperature is -200 although Pfizer vaccines must be kept in-700,

Production(construction) time less 10 month

10 months after the outbreak of coronary heart disease in Iran, the executive staff of Imam Khomeini Command started the human test of this vaccine


Resistant against English Corona During the clinical trial. it was found out that this vaccine has a positive effect on the British Corona

The lowest side effects in injection process

So far, no side effects have been reported after human testing.

Primary testing on the producer's family

The first human test was performed on the daughter of the vaccine maker. Ms.

Tayebeh Mokhber To date, four countries, the United States. China, Russia and the United Kingdom, have been able to produce and test the corona vaccine, to which Iran was added after the production of

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