The first of the Greater Sins is to associate anyone or anything with Allah (S.w.T.). That is to attribute partners to Allah (S.w.T.) 28

The first of the Greater Sins is to associate anyone or anything with Allah (S.w.T.). That is to attribute partners to Allah (S.w.T.)

The first of the Greater Sins is to associate anyone or anything with Allah (S.w.T.). That is to attribute partners to Allah (S.w.T.). Regarding Shirk we have received clear traditions from the Holy Prophet (S) as well as Imam ‘Ali (A), Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (A), Imam al-Kadhim (A), Imam Riďa (A) and Imam Jawad (A). Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (A) says: 'The greatest of the Greater Sins is to attribute partners to Allah.'"


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