The value of a country depends on its intellectuals not its oil 53

The value of a country depends on its intellectuals not its oil

This [economic dependence on oil] started during the Pahlavi regime. The youth who do not know what the old regime [Pahlavi] did to this country, should know that this is one of their many betrayals. They made the economy of this country dependent on oil, which cannot be changed and corrected easily. This nation must try and manage the country through export of various goods, such as fruit, minerals, industrial and agricultural products, and other services. Oil is the perpetual saving of this nation, and it remains. First of all, it is used to build lasting infrastructure and other major assets of the country. Besides, through the power of oil, the Iranian nation can show its strength on the international scene of politics. Imagine if we announce that we will not be selling oil for six months. The whole world would be affected. Every policy would be affected. Or if we decide to decrease or increase our oil exports.--This is something that could happen gradually. 

March 21, 1998

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