Toofan, Iranian MRAP 147

Toofan, Iranian MRAP

Toofan is the name of an all-Iranian anti-mine and anti-ambush armored vehicle known in the military world as MRAP. This iron giant has the ability to carry out support and combat operations. The MRAP is an explosionproof vehicle that saves the lives of its manpower in the heaviest attacks and strikes. With a power of about 320 hp, this vehicle is one of the most powerful armored vehicles of its kind. Iran is the fifth country in the world to make this armored vehicle after the United States, Britain, France and South Africa

Some of the characteristics of this vehicle are as follows:

1. Resistant to steel bullets 2. Ability to cross the water channel with a depth of one and a half meters 3. Ability to cross vertical obstacles with a height of fifty centimeters 4. A speed equivalent to 100 km per hour 5. Carrying 10 passengers 6. Keep going 50 km on a flat tire

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