U.S.’s reaction to Al-Saud’s crimes is shameful 47

U.S.’s reaction to Al-Saud’s crimes is shameful

You saw the Saudis committed two crimes against Yemenis, within only one week: at the beginning of the week, they attacked a hospital, killing the patients in the hospital with bombs and missiles; at the end of the week, they attacked a school bus with dozens of innocent 8 and 9-year-old children on board. Do you have 8 or 9-year-olds at home? This is a great tragedy. It truly breaks one’s heart. The Saudis carried out this horrific crime that shook the world.

The horrific news shook the global conscience. Other states issued a message, even if not sincere, they expressed their condolences. The entire world reacted in their own way. But, how did the U.S. react? Instead of condemning an obvious crime, the U.S. spokesperson stated: “We have strategic relations with Saudi Arabia.” --Is this not [a sign of] shamelessness? The U.S. acts in the same manner towards all matters.

Aug 13, 2018

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