What is the gist of 2030 agenda? 41

What is the gist of 2030 agenda?

This is where the significance of the 2030 Education Agenda becomes clear. The main gist and kernel of the 2030 Education Agenda, which has an important chapter about education, is that the educational system should teach the lifestyle and the philosophy of life to children on the basis of western principles. This is the gist of the 2030 Education Agenda. What does this signify? It signifies that you pious people, you who are interested in your country and your future – should build soldiers for the west in your classroom [In response to the slogans that the audience chants, the Supreme Leader says, “This is the place to listen, not to chant slogans, please pay attention]!

When they place so much emphasis on the Education Agenda and when they explicitly and implicitly try to impose it on other countries – including our country – this is what it means. The instructions, recommendations and main points of this agenda specify that the educational system should shape students’ thought system in a way that their philosophy and concept of life will be molded according to the western philosophy. As I mentioned, they want you to build soldiers for England, France, the US and the rest of those tie-wearing, perfumed, shallow savages. They are the same people who kill others and who assist assassins without a frown on their faces.

When they ask them why they help the Saudis, they answer, “We help them because we need their money.” They know what the Saudis are doing in Yemen, but they are helping them anyway! They want to sit and watch us in Iran and in Asian countries – West Asian, Islamic and other such countries – build soldiers, advocates and subjects for them. This is what the 2030 Education Agenda is all about.

Imam Khamenei, [May 1, 2019]

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