Soleimani’s Republic Download 2488

Soleimani’s Republic

Soleimani’s "Republic"
Known as Kamran Saki, he and his allies held the southern part of Kerman Province in their grip. The local people barely dared to breathe. Anyone who reported his actions or tried to challenge him would see their blood spilled on the ground.One day, Kamran came with his men—a long line of armed followers—to request a peace letter. As the camera moved along the line to the first person, that man handed over his weapon, looked into the camera, and declared, “I have surrendered my weapon to Soleimani’s Republic!”Another voice called out from the line, “I support Soleimani’s Republic!” Haji smiled when he heard this and replied, “We don’t have a Soleimani Republic; this is the Islamic Republic.”Narrator: Hasan PlarkSource: Fars News Agency
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