
Human Rights According to Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Salman is considered responsible of numerous human rights violations in the kingdom including detaining, torturing even executing activists and oppositions

London-based daily, The Times summed up that the Saudi Arabia has more than 800 executions whilst King Salman and his heir in charge up to last year.

Since Mohammed bin Salman took charge on behalf of his father, the regime has intensified suppressions against freedom of speech. There were dozens of critics and human rights activists detained. Which some notable individuals of them are as follows:

Zuhair Katbi was a Saudi writer. He was arrested without a clear charge and sentenced to 4-year jail.

He was a prominent Saudi cleric & vocal critic against the kingdom. He ended up being executed due to his demands for justice.

He was a Saudi physician who was arrested alongside 200 people for various charges.

Dozens of human rights activists including Loujain Al-Hathloul, Eman Al-Nafjan, Aziza Al-Yousef, Samar Badawi, Nasimah Al-Sadah detained without specific criminal charge.

Khashoggi was Saudi author and journalist who were savagely assassinated inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey by the order of Mohammed bin Salman.

Bin Salman detained three potential royals such as Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz, Mohammed bin Nayef and Nawwaf bin Nayef supposing that

they were plotting against him.

The Saudi regime held children of former kingdom spy officer, Sa'ad bin Khaled Al-Jabry. The regime was keen to murder them the way they assassinated Khashoggi.

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