Spirit of mourning gatherings should be in harmony with spirit of Imam Hussain's uprising 1144

Spirit of mourning gatherings should be in harmony with spirit of Imam Hussain's uprising

Spirit of mourning gatherings should be in harmony with spirit of Imam Hussain's uprising

We curse Shimr and Yazid in order to stand against the rule of tyrants, the rule of pleasure-seeking, and the rule by which the believers around the world are oppressed. Hussain ibn Ali's uprising was aimed at abolishing the governments that were against Islamic, human, divine values. And that is exactly what Imam Hussain (pbuh) accomplished through his uprising. Our ceremonies and the gatherings that we hold for Imam Hussain are gatherings that are against oppression and domination. They are a continuation of Imam Hussain’s uprising.

Ayatollah Khamenei
Jan. 9, 2008
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